

Semi-Retired Consultant in Manufacturing. Tea Party Activist
occamsedge has written 65 posts for The Patriot – Opinion

Biden Blames Bush – 4 Years later

I am attaching a Yahoo News story. A liberal bastion. It is about a Biden speech today. I don’t know what your tolerance for lies might be, but you may want to find an air sickness bag before you read it.

It is one continuous series of lies and distortions, with nothing that even resembles the truth, except, perhaps in Joe’s mysteriously twisted mind.

Read the Yahoo article here.

We Are In To Win

The Tea Party is dead. Dead, dammit.

Except that we are not. Breitbart drove that home today. 41 million of us are going out to vote – not to mention recruiting others. Maybe, this article will provide a little bit of added impetus to our current efforts in this election.

Read the Breitbart article here.

Then, Redouble your efforts. We Must win.

What to Think for 2012?

There are no links here, just my observations and analysis.

We have been inundated with polls showing that Obama is either a) tied with, or b) beating the crap out of Romney. We have also been inundated by a nearly endless string of pundits trying to say that a) the polls are an accurate reflection, and Romney is going down, or b) that the sampling distortion in the polls is so severe that they are meaningless.

One poll is so skewed that it shows Obama winning with 81% of the vote. Rush Limbaugh had an absolute field day with that one today. Run by Nate Silver, his poll makes this ridiculous claim. By the way, his background is in baseball statistics. He must have been pretty good at that, since he sold out in 2005, at the ripe old age of 27. He has made exactly one correct call since then, in 2008. Go figure. He started blogging for the Daily Kos, and then moved to the 535 blog, in conjunction with the New York Times. Want to guess his motivations? (Go ahead, check Wikipedia, itself not exactly a right wing source.)

So, what do we make of this? Slow down for a minute, and get a grip. Let us put it all in the context of our personal lives. To the diminishing extent that we own landline phones, how many of us actually answer a call from a number that we do not recognize? Especially if the phone says “CNAM Unknown”, or it comes from the 614, 202, or other area codes that we suspect are just political pabulum? For those of us with at least a few functioning brain cells, the answer is never. Which automatically excludes us from the polling data. I suspect that only the Democrats, people without caller ID, and those with very few functional brain cells actually answer these calls. (May be overlapping, here.) Which further skews the polls.

This is conjecture, but, supported by evidence. It is, at least, supported by anecdotal evidence from the Victory Center. Per the folks that work there, very few calls are actually answered. At least a couple of workers have resorted to taking their lists home to get a much higher response rate when the caller ID is shown as a real person.

The outtake? Do not get discouraged. The media is in full bore support/advertising mode for Obama. As are the polls commissioned by them. The public, however seems to be finally wising up to the game. Both Gallup and Pew say now that 60+% of the public distrust the media, and consider them biased. (Which means that the real number must be well north of 70%, since both polls are among the most distrusted.)

The point? Don’t lose hope. Don’t lose your resolve. Keep working. Time is short, and this is one election we MUST win.

An Obama Second Term? The Implications

Sometimes, I miss things, or I underestimate their importance at the time. In this case, I blew it – until Mary forwarded an email that really grabbed my attention. Fortunately the author was named, so I could look it up. It is an article from The American Thinker, from May 8, 2012 that I just missed. But I am not missing it now.

It is a very powerful article that speaks to what Obama can accomplish in a second term – even with a Republican Congress and Senate – and it is truly frightening. If you thought that this is just another election, please read this, stand back for a moment, and think again. We simply have to go all out to take the white house to even have a chance. And, even then, it will be an uphill fight to retain our country. It is that bad.

The American Thinker article is here.

Obama at the UN. 9/25/2012

How embarrassing. Obama was at the UN today to address the assembly about the Middle East situation. Well, he delivered a long speech, that was divided into two parts. Both were rather embarrassing blunders by the man that claims the title of president, but fails to live up to the necessities of the office. Sorry, but this post contains two links from Breitbart that you should read.

Obama gave a Mea Culpa, in which he absolved himself from responsibility in the death of our Ambassador and three others in Libya, saying essentially that Marine guards would not have made a difference. Despite the rather obvious fact that they certainly would have. That article is here.

Not content to make an ass out of himself once, he then went on to preach “tolerance” for other’s views. We are not to insult “the Prophet Mohammed”, while they are free to insult all other religions? And not one word about Islamic extremism, let alone terror. You can read that one here.

After you read them, shake your head in wonderment.  How can the polls show him in a draw with Romney?  Easy answer.  The entire media establishment is in the tank for him, and bending the polls in his favor through the sampling selection.  They aren’t exactly lying, but when you have samples skewed at D + 8 or more, they are not telling the truth, either.

Roger Baxter

An ‘Enemys List at the DOJ” Believe it.

I never thought that I would see something like this from our government. It almost sounds like something out of the USSR. But wait, this is the Obama administration. Not much difference.

Read the story of an ex DOJ employee from Heritage here.

It is a dark path that we are on.

Libertarians and Conservatives

The primaries are over. The Conventions are over. We are left with two choices. Romney on the squishy right-center, and Obama on the hard left. Neither is a great choice, but Obama is a horrible choice. We do not need an expansion of socialism. It is already ruining us, $16 TRILLION in debt, and counting.

Regardless, many Libertarians are threatening to stay home, and not vote, which could hand a second term to the Communist in Chief. To what end?

I found a great article on Breitbart today that helps a lot. I hope that many of you actually read it, and absorb the message. Read it here.

Are You Better Offf?

I have little faith in Pew. Despite their claim to be non-partisan, they are liberal to the core. And most of their posts slant that way – to the far left, that is.

So imagine my surprise when I read a survey from Pew that seems to track the reality of the economy today. The only thing lacking (surprise) is the assignment of blame to the policies and regulations of the Obama administration.

Read the Pew article here.

The Failure to Predict the Inevitable

The administration should have seen it coming. It was inevitable. They cozied up to the “Arab Spring”, and then cozied up to the Muslim Brotherhood that took over in both Egypt and Libya. The Muslim Brotherhood hates the US, along with a host of others.

And we act surprised when the Brotherhood coordinates attacks on our Embassy (Cairo) and consulate (Benghazi)? On the anniversary of 9/11? Excuse me, but this was predictable as the sun rising in the east. As the 9/11 commission report clearly stated, “they were at war with us, but we weren’t at war with them”. Obama and company have forgotten or ignored this. Islam is still at war with us, and has been since the sixth century. Some people never learn anything.

Red State had a good article on this, that you can read here.

Remember the UN Gun Control?

It has failed, again. But it is not going away. The UN has an agenda to impose gun control on the US, despite the fact that it cannot control guns in any of the third world.

Why? Because the US remains unassailable due to the private ownership of arms. The same reason that Hirohito said that Japan could not invade the US. “There is a gun behind every blade of grass”.

But, the UN will not ever give up. The Commies that run it can’t do that. and their enablers in the Administration are all too willing to help.

Read the Heritage article here.


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